Thursday, July 16, 2015

Isn't Water Just Water??

Hello Everybody! After an unplanned hiatus, I am finally able to come back and share my world with you!

During my hiatus, I have since gone back to work, my beautiful baby boy is now 5 months old and I have learned so many lessons God has thrown my way.  My Lessons came in an array of ways… some were BIG and some were small.  One lesson that I just couldn’t wait to share was that I needed to be more aware of what I am putting into my family’s body.  
With the Sacramento Valley heat, don’t you just love having a refreshing cold bottle of water? Did you think I was going to say beer?  Well, that is good too but for today’s post… we’ll talk about water.                                   

My husband and I have been buying bottle water for a long time… especially for our son’s formula.  We made big assumptions that it was clean water and the BEST water for us AND our son.  I mean, it’s just water right?  
While reading “Healthy Child, Healthy World" by Christopher Gavigan, I found that bottle water ISN’T just purified water.  There are actual ingredients on the ingredient list.  I WAS SHOCKED!  Am I the only one that just assumed the ingredients were just water????  
Well if I was…. I am definitely late to the party on this.  
Here are the ingredients listed: Purified Water, Potassium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Citrate, Sodium Chloride and Magnesium Oxide.
I was immediately concerned about all the sodium that I was giving my very young son.  It may be the new mommy in me but I immediately wrote to Eli’s pediatrician and even she said that just plain filtered Tap Water is better than the bottled water.  WHO KNEW?! 
Eli is fine and I am not saying that bottled water is UNhealthy… I still drink it. With him being so young and his system so fragile, I am doing my best to watch what he is given to ensure he is given the most natural foods in their natural state. 
I mean, he has the rest of his life to eat or drink the bad stuff… right?  Hehe