Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Time Management Challenge - Update

Ever have one of those days where things just don't seem to go right in a particular situation?  I feel it is God trying to show me my lesson.  For instance, in my previous post, I talked about challenging myself to better my time management.  Immediately after that, I was extremely late somewhere and forgot to do some things I needed to do.  I was so frustrated and saw that I MUST improve my ability to manage my time.  I am losing time during the day and productivity.

Fast forward and my phone's calendar system (Husband and I use this to see what each other's schedule is) was not accepting new appointments nor showing old ones I had. This was frustrating... I mean, aren't smart phones supposed to be smart and foolproof???

I have always known but only recently truly accepted that while I will continue to use my phone's calendar system, I must also implement some form of paper version too... especially for my daily tasks that I want to accomplish.

I found this calendar that was laying around the house, but it does not give me all the categories that I need.

 So I decided to make my own...  take a look at what I'll be using to Keep My Sanity Daily.

I'm very excited and think this will help me to ensure my days are as productive as possible with an infant. :)


*this is short for Beijinhos which means kisses in Portuguese

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