Saturday, May 9, 2015

Time Management Challenge

Where does the time go?!

With an infant son, I find that my time management skills have gone out the window. No longer are the days where I can easily schedule my days to clean, do laundry, cook, spend time with friends/family and still have time for a nice glass of wine to end my day. 

Now, my days are filled with diaper changes, feedings, playing with Eli, and TRYING to keep up with the household chores.  Doesn't sound like a lot, however, it eats up my day to the very end. 

Today, I have decided things have to change.  Question is: how do I best manage my time when caring for an infant? Paper calendar or electronic?  Do I schedule EVERYTHING in my day or just the big stuff? 

I will be looking into paper calendar/To-Do Lists and/or utilizing my Google calendar on my phone.

I'm thinking of this Pink Ribbon DayTimer (in honor of my amazing mom who is a Breast Cancer Survivor). 

Amazon Affliate Product

Or utilizing my phone's built-in calendar. 
iPhone calendar
Both have their Pros & Cons... Especially when caring for a baby can be very unpredictable! 

So this is very hard for me to decide... I will be making my decision within the next few days and will provide you updates as I conquer my time management issue. :)
Poll: What do you use to help manage YOUR time to stay in your Sanctuary Place??

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